《复仇者联盟》是由《古墓丽影》系列开发商水晶动力和《杀出重围》开发商Eidos Montreal联合打造。游戏拥有一个原创故事,包含大家所喜爱的角色。本作将电影般的叙事与单人和合作玩法了结合起来,玩家最多可以组建四人小队,掌握非凡的超能力、定制符合自己风格的英雄来保护遭受威胁的世界。
NOTES: This release is standalone and updated to v2.8.0.0.
NEW FEATURES included:• The Marketplace has been unlocked! What does this mean? Nearly all MCU- andnon-MCU-inspired Outfits, Emotes, Takedowns, and Nameplates are now automaticallyavailable on your Hero Card. Items that are earned through the campaign, however,or purchased through the Cosmetic Vendor must be earned or purchased, respectively,as they always have been.• Both the Shipments system and Hero Challenge Cards have both been completely removedfrom the game. Items that were previously earnable from Shipments and Hero ChallengeCards are included in the hundreds of Marketplace items that are automatically grantedwhen you update to v2.8.• You do not need to be connected to the internet to be able to access all of the unlockedMarketplace content after updating to v2.8.• All 3 expansions(Taking Aim, Future Imperfect and War for Wakanda) are playable offline.SETTINGS-DISPLAY-TEXT LANGUAGE-CHINESEv2.8.0.0终极版|整合全DLC|容量147GB|官方简体中文.国语配音|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄|赠多项修改器